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SuperLife SIC

SIC Boost your vitality.


It is based on a plant-based formulation from nature's finest ingredients, powered by AFA concentrate and Co-Q10. SIC is made from nutrient-rich plants and fruits that provide dietary support for the normal, healthy functioning of the immune system.

SIC is composed of Berry Blend, APHANIZOMENON FLOS-AQUAE (AFA), Chlorophyll, Coenzyme Q10, Guarana Extract, and Vitamin B Complex.


Aphanizomenon Flos-Aquae (AFA) is a single-celled cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) found in many fresh and saltwater environments around the world. It is considered a "superfood" for its complete nutritional profile and beneficial properties.


AFA contains antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties due to the presence of many bioactive substances. AFA also helps boost immune health by stimulating the bone marrow to produce more stem cells.


Co-Q10 serves as an antioxidant and protects cells against Oxidative damage. Our body naturally produces CoQ10, but its production tends to decrease with age.


To take the SIC, follow these steps:


Consume one sachet of SIC per day, pouring its contents into a glass containing 100 milliliters of water,

in the morning on an empty stomach.

Store the SIC in a cool, dry place below 30 degrees Celsius and away from direct sunlight.


SuperLife World

19 SNC box
Produits Superlife World
785.000.00 FCFA950.000.00 FCFA
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Optimisez votre vision et stimulez vos fonctions cognitives avec le SNC, une fusion puissante de lutéine et de Ginkgo Biloba. Protégez vos yeux de la lumière bleue tout en réveillant votre cerveau pour une concentration accrue. Transformez votre quotidien avec une santé oculaire améliorée et une clarté mentale sans pareille. Découvrez le secret d'une vision nette et d'un esprit vif avec le SNC - votre allié pour une vie éclairée.


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